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As part of Johns Hopkins Medicine, 约翰霍普金斯卫生系统旨在通过制定卓越标准和提供以患者为中心的医学预防来改善社区和世界的健康, diagnose and treat human illness. 约翰霍普金斯医院的提供者和员工与全球卫生保健专业人员合作,为时间紧迫或病情复杂的患者提供护理.

约翰霍普金斯访问线(HAL)医生转诊协调员与转诊和接受医生一起工作,以最好地满足患者的需求. HAL团队与经验丰富的临床expeditors和医疗运输协调员密切合作,以管理患者快速和安全转移到约翰霍普金斯卫生系统医院.

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HAL允许外部或转诊医生24小时与约翰霍普金斯卫生系统内任何部门的医生进行交谈, seven days a week.


What is the Johns Hopkins Access Line?


The HAL team, 它位于约翰霍普金斯医院的约翰霍普金斯能力指挥中心, 启动紧急和复杂情况的护理团队,以及转移和入院过程,以满足患者的需求.

The HAL team will:

  • Collect patient information on condition and diagnosis.
  • Facilitate physician-to-physician communications.
  • 收集医疗记录信息和图像,以减少重复检查和扫描.
  • Provide real-time bed status for incoming patients.
  • Activate the Johns Hopkins Lifeline critical care transport team.
When should health care providers call the Hopkins Access Line?

Health care providers should call the Hopkins Access Line in these instances:

  • To refer a patient for inpatient care at The Johns Hopkins Hospital
  • 如果你是一名医护人员,要照顾一位曾接受约翰霍普金斯医生治疗的bst365,并且对这位bst365有疑问
  • 与约翰·霍普金斯医院的一名医生讨论其他bst365护理问题
What can referring physicians expect when using the Hopkins Access Line?

训练有素的HAL医生转诊协调员处理所有访问约翰霍普金斯医生时间表的电话, on-call lists and contact numbers. bst365的协调员帮助确保您与约翰霍普金斯医生联系,最好的能够讨论您的bst365的情况.

如果你想找一位不能马上找到的医生, HAL代表将指导您找一位可用的专家,或安排所要求的医生给您回电话.

After a patient has been accepted at a Johns Hopkins Health System facility, HAL将继续向您更新转院情况,并将通过约翰·霍普金斯生命线bst365转运服务启动入院流程和转运.


When calling the Hopkins Access Line, a physician referral coordinator will ask for the following information:

  1. The attending physician name and specialty.
  2. Patient location. If the patient is at a hospital, please provide the floor, 楼层护士站的房间号和电话(不是病房电话).
  3. Diagnosis and plan of treatment or procedure (e.g., cardiac catheterization, coronary artery bypass grafting, 心脏手术),bst365被转移到约翰霍普金斯医院或其他约翰霍普金斯卫生系统医院接受.

Once this information is obtained, 医生转诊协调员将为转诊医生与约翰霍普金斯大学适当的随叫随到的医生召开电话会议.

Next steps:

  1. 医生将被要求传真一份人口统计表到HAL办公室. This should include insurance information, which the utilization review nurse will use for financial certification. Fax demographic sheets to 410-367-2101.
  2. 一名生命线通讯人员将与患者住院楼层联系,获取患者分诊和运输信息,并确定最佳的运输方法. (Factors such as acuity of patient, weather and distance will be considered.)
  3. While an air or ground transport team is en route to pick up the patient, 为了加快转诊和限制转诊医院的临床时间,可能会要求提供以下附加信息:
    • Copy of the patient's chart
    • Discharge summary from the transferring hospital/medical institution
    • 《bst365》(EMTALA)/《bst365体育娱乐平台》(COBRA)转院/医疗机构填写并签署的转院表格
    • 医疗必要性认证(CMN)/医生认证声明(PCS)表格的填写和签署
    • 接收科室/医生需要的任何x光片的复印件
Our Comprehensive Case Review


When patients do not have a time-critical condition or need emergency care, bst365对患者的临床需求和保险覆盖范围进行全面的病例审查. This evaluation explores medical necessity to transfer a patient.

At the direction of the Johns Hopkins provider accepting the patient, the HAL team will obtain medical records pertaining to the transfer. 约翰霍普金斯大学的医生团队将决定是否需要紧急转移,并可能提出有效的替代方案, such as a telemedicine consultation or comprehensive outpatient care. 这项审查对于保护bst365不支付不必要的医疗费用至关重要.

bst365还提前评估保险范围,帮助患者做出知情的决定,避免意外负担, uncovered medical costs. 没有经过验证的支付人覆盖范围的患者如果希望继续转移过程,可以与bst365的财务顾问交谈.


Learn more about Johns Hopkins Medicine.

For appointments, please call 410-955-5000 (adults) or 410-955-2000 (pediatrics) or 855-695-4872 (outside Maryland).