Care Partner and Visitor Policy
Guidelines for Visiting a Patient
(Effective May 11, 2023) 护理伙伴和访客是患者治疗和护理的重要组成部分. 请使用以下链接了解约翰霍普金斯医学院陪伴和探访患者的指导方针, based on care they are receiving.
Frequently Asked Questions
A care partner bst365/父母或法定监护人是否希望有任何成年人陪伴在bst365身边. 护理伙伴可以提供支持和/或参与患者的护理决策, 但不得凌驾于法律授权的医疗保健决策者(LAHD)之上. 全天候欢迎护理伙伴和家长/法定监护人. 一名护理伙伴可以与患者过夜(儿科患者或残疾患者最多可有两名护理伙伴).
A visitor 是否有bst365/LAHD或家长/监护人选择探访bst365. An adult patient, or parent/guardian of a pediatric patient, can identify anyone they desire as a visitor. 欢迎访客在参观时间,这可能因实体和地点而异.
What are general guidelines for all visits?
- Situations 探视可能危及bst365的健康和福祉, care partner, 访客或约翰霍普金斯医学院员工
- Minimizing the risk of infection
- Achieving patient goals of care
- 根据法院的命令,或者bst365在执法部门的照顾和监护下
访客和护理伙伴探访政策涉及医院探访, 急诊科和门诊部(例如.g., ambulatory practice sites, surgery centers, 医疗执业地点):
- The Johns Hopkins Health System Corporation
- The Johns Hopkins Hospital
- Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
- Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center
- Johns Hopkins Children’s Center
- Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
- Sibley Memorial Hospital
- Suburban Hospital
- Johns Hopkins Community Physicians
- Johns Hopkins Medicine International
- Johns Hopkins Regional Physicians
- Johns Hopkins Surgery Centers Series
- Johns Hopkins Imaging
- Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Guidelines to Visit Adult Patients
Before your visit, please review our FAQs 为护理伙伴和访客提供一般指南.
During Visiting Hours
- Semiprivate room: Up to two 在探视时间,每位患者的护理伙伴或探视者可能在患者身边, space permitting.
- Private room: Up to four 在探视时间,每位患者的护理伙伴或探视者可能在患者身边, space permitting.
- Children under 16 必须由bst365以外的成年人陪同吗.
- 在某些情况下,bst365身边可能会有其他护理伙伴或探视者.g.(长期住院、家属会议、临终探访、患者/家属请求).
- Some specialty floors/areas, such as Labor & Delivery, may have additional guidelines. 楼层具体政策请咨询单位工作人员.
Overnight Stay
- One 成人护理伙伴可以过夜(残疾患者最多可有两名护理伙伴).
- Additional care partners may stay overnight under some circumstances. 例子包括临终探访和bst365/家属请求.
- Some specialty floors/areas, such as Labor & Delivery, may have additional guidelines. 楼层具体政策请咨询单位工作人员.
- Up to two 在探视时间,每位患者的护理伙伴或探视者可能在患者身边, space permitting.
- Children under 16 必须由bst365以外的成年人监督吗.
- 有精神或行为问题的患者可能需要额外的探视限制.
- 在某些情况下,bst365身边可能会有其他护理伙伴或探视者.g.(家庭会议、生命终结或bst365/家属的要求).
Guidelines to Visit Pediatric Patients
Before your visit, please review our FAQs 为护理伙伴和访客提供一般指南.
During Visiting Hours
- Up to four 每位患者的护理伙伴或探视者(包括兄弟姐妹/未成年人)可以同时在患者身边, space permitting.
- Children under 18 必须由成人陪同,除非他们是bst365的父母.
- 在某些情况下,床边可能会有其他护理伙伴或探视者.g.(长期住院、家属会议、临终探访或患者/家属要求).
- Some specialty floors/areas, such as Labor & Delivery, may have additional guidelines. 楼层具体政策请咨询单位工作人员.
Overnight Stay
- Up to two 如果空间允许,任何年龄的成人护理伙伴或父母都可以过夜.
- 在某些情况下,可能会有额外的护理伙伴过夜. 例子包括临终探访、bst365/家属请求.
- Some specialty floors/areas, such as Labor & Delivery, may have additional guidelines. 楼层具体政策请咨询单位工作人员.
- Up to two care partners, or parents of any age, 每个bst365一次都可以在bst365身边, space permitting.
- Children under 18 must have adult supervision available.
- 有精神或行为症状的患者只能与护理伙伴(包括法定监护人)一起探视.
- 在某些情况下,bst365身边可能会有其他护理伙伴或探视者.g.、家庭会议、生命的终结、bst365/家属的要求).
Guidelines for Outpatient Areas and Clinics
Before your visit, please review our FAQs 为护理伙伴和访客提供一般指南.
- Up to two 欢迎护理伙伴或访客(包括兄弟姐妹/未成年人)陪同患者预约, space permitting.
- Children under 12 must be supervised by an adult at all times.
- 放射影像、手术室、手术区: 出于安全考虑,护理伙伴或访客不得进入检查/手术室.